Monday, December 11, 2006

matte painting

I was working on Matte Painting over this week... It is getting there...
I also worked on test animation of brush strokes and inks in AE.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Who's done this

Christina showed me this cool movie last week.
This looks done by 3D, so I cannot make look like this :( but I would like to refer to this, in terms of the "look".
Thanks Christina!!

Sunday, December 03, 2006

3D modeling

The big file size issue of my modeling file is half solved by deleting warning nodes (Thank you Prof. Halbstein! It was my tower modeling.) So I spent time to clean up the files, and I didn't realize this takes that long...
I think whole "clean-up work" reduced the render time, but I think all the trees takes render time for a long, my computer may not be able to render mental ray... not sure...

For now I start camera movement experiments with animatic/sketchy(?) sound.
The piece I refer to camera movement is this Nike AD